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Board of Education News 

Elwood Holds Superintendent's Conference Day

Deborah Weiss, BOE Vice President; Dr. Gayle Steele, Superintendent;                   Gian Paul Gonzalez; Dr. Sonia Hood, Asst. Superintendent for Curriculum                   and Instruction thumbnail260729
Elwood teachers volunteer to participate in a team activity thumbnail260730

The entire Elwood staff returned to school on Tuesday, Sept. 4 for this year's Superintendent's Conference Day. The day began with Welcome Back messages from the superintendent, members of the district administrative staff, Board of Education Vice President Deborah Weiss, and ETA President Garrett Chesnoff. In addition, guest speaker Gian Paul Gonzalez delivered a powerful message of what it means to our students when we are "All In." His message was well received and set the stage for the rest of the day's professional development sessions.

Date Added: 9/3/2024