Harley Avenue Primary School
Regular School Hours: 9:20 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.
2024-25 BMI Survey Opt-Out Letter
Supply Lists 2024-25
Ms. Ioviero
Grade 1 & Ms. Piccoli
Grade 2
Dismissal Information 2024-25
Dismissal Info & CHANGE Form - English
Formulario Informativo de la Hora de Salida de la Escuela & CAMBIOS
Contact Information:
30 Harley Avenue
Elwood, NY 11731
Main Office: 631-266-5445
Health Office: 631-266-5478
Please call school nurse with absences - Mrs. Schwartz: (631) 266-5478
Principal: Dr. Denise Toscano

The district’s technology initiative has provided about 1:1 chrome books for each student and a Smart Board in each classroom. The district commitment strives to integrate technology as an instructional tool. In addition, students will experience the Maker Space at Harley Avenue.
Our school day is from 9:20am-3:40pm and each day includes a special subject area: library, art, music, or physical education. English Language Learners in kindergarten, grades one and two will receive instruction according to their English proficiency.
Instructional support in academics as well as related services are provided by trained personnel in reading, math, speech, social work and psychology. Academic intervention by the teachers and specialists is provided in reading and math.
Two trained reading teachers instruct students in our RTI program through small instruction cycles throughout the year. One math intervention teacher and math Teacher Assistant will support students in small groups throughout the school year. The goal of academic intervention is to assess need and to provide remediation so the student can perform successfully within the classroom.
Each child has the opportunity to learn. Not only are support services available, but also each professional is responsible for creating a caring school community. Keep an eye out for our Harley Knight of the Month pep rally dates. At Harley Avenue we promote excellent character and celebrate students who exhibit those traits. Our school nurtures students to learn and grow. On these days we ask that all students wear their Elwood or Harley T-shirts (or Blue) to show school spirit.
The Harley Avenue faculty members are highly trained, certified educators, coming together to provide an outstanding early childhood program to our district’s youngest population.