Frank Benavides, Transportation Liaison
Nancy Mancini, Transportation Clerical
LOST & FOUND - Buses/Vans: call 261-0354 (Huntington Coach).
1) When boarding or being discharged from a school bus, pupils should CROSS IN FRONT OF THE BUS. 2) Food is not to be eaten on the bus. 3) Pupils should not extend any portion of their body out of the windows. 4) Wastepaper should be deposited in a receptacle provided in the front of the bus. 5) Nothing is to be thrown within the bus, or in or out of the windows. 6) Pupils should not change seats while the bus is in motion.
Bus transportation to or from child care can be arranged to and/or from the same stop every day for the entire year. These special arrangements must be made with the Executive Director for Technology and Transportation in writing to the transportation office.
Bus Drills
Regular drills are conducted to ensure children are aware of what to do in case of an emergency on the school bus.
Moving within the District
In order to have your bus changed to your new address, you must complete the Change of Address Form and contact registration at 631-266-5400 x455.
SNOW STOPS: As a result of snow conditions, it may be necessary to consolidate pick-up and departure points. Students will be advised in advance, if possible.