James H. Boyd Intermediate School
Regular School Hours: 7:55 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Contact Information:
286 Cuba Hill Road
Huntington, NY 11743
Phone: (631) 266-5430
Health Office: (631) 266-5430 x 5321
Please call school nurse with absences - Mrs. Giardina 266-5430 x 5321
Principal: Ms. Elissa Millan
The James H. Boyd Intermediate School provides students with a strong
academic and social and emotional program that builds upon their
foundational skills, while promoting critical thinking and problem
solving. James Boyd is a warm, nurturing environment that works to
foster a love for learning.
Our academic program is aligned with the New York State Common Core Standards. Students engage in reading and writing workshop daily through whole
group, small group, reading partners, interactive read alouds and
independent reading practice to build upon their skills (http://readingandwritingproject.org).
Our classes are active in student to student learning opportunities to
enhance and deepen student understanding. Students have mathematics
daily and focus on computation and problem-solving. Our math program is
an active hands-on approach that requires students to think critically
and analytically with perseverance.
The math program challenges students to master their fluency facts,
compute complex math problems and complete multi- step word problems.
Students are taught various ways to solve math problems to deepen their
understanding of the math concepts taught and not just getting the right
answers. Social and Emotional Learning takes place throughout the day
through discussions on literature, character education lessons and
school wide initiatives. James H. Boyd works closely with Harley Avenue
Primary school to ensure that the curriculums are aligned and provide
students with the learning progressions they need to grow as successful
The science program is based on the use of manipulative materials and
activities according to grade level objectives. Our newly renovated
science lab will offer students an exciting hands-on learning
environment. The social studies program is aligned with the New York
State Social Studies Framework. It incorporates the New York State
Common Core Learning Standards and uses the C3 Inquiry Arc as
instructional methodology. Social Studies practices are identified, as
well as the key ideas, conceptual understandings, and content
specifications. The district utilizes the Putman Boces Social Studies
curriculum K-5 (https://www.pnwboces.org/ssela/index.htm).
In addition, both science and social studies content are supported
through classroom read alouds. All classrooms have their own computers;
the school has a comprehensive computer lab and two chrome book
traveling carts for students to utilize technology to enhance their
learning experiences throughout the day.
Students also attend classes taught by specialists in art, music
physical education, library and computers to broaden their knowledge and
enrich the whole child.
Fourth and fifth graders are able to participate in before-and
after-school musical performing groups in band, orchestra and chorus
with instrumental music lessons given during the regular school day.
Third graders are also able to participate in string lessons before
school to build competency and to encourage participation in our 4th-5th
grade orchestral program. Many students enjoy our comprehensive
after-school clubs and activities program.
James H. Boyd is a supportive, student-centered learning environment
that challenges students to reach their fullest potential. James H.
Boyd believes that all children can learn and succeed.