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Bridge to Success

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The district is proud to boast two Elwood-John H. Glenn High School ninth-graders for their success at the Brookhaven National Laboratory Model Bridge Building Competition. Student Zach Stickelman earned the Aesthetic Award, while his classmate Zach Siddiqui won third place in the competition.

According to the BNL website, the construction and testing of model bridges promotes the study and application of principles of physics, mathematics and engineering. It also helps students develop hands-on skills. Through participation, they get a taste of what it is to be an engineer, designing structures to a set of specs and then seeing them perform their function.

For the competition, high school students from across Long Island, respectively, designed and constructed bridges within the contest’s specifications. The object of the competition was for students to create the most efficient model bridge that represents a simplified version of a real-world bridge that could sustain the weight and load permitted to cross the entire bridge.

“I am really proud of the kids this year,” said technology teacher Domenick Abbate.