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Elwood Honors Board of Ed and Beloved Retiring Staffer

Elwood Hhonors Board of Ed and Beloved Retiring Staffer thumbnail228666
Elwood Hhonors Board of Ed and Beloved Retiring Staffer thumbnail228667

Kicking off the Elwood School District Board of Education’s Oct. 13 meeting, the Elwood-John H. Glenn High School Chamber Orchestra gave a wonderful surprise musical performance in honor of School Board Recognition Week, which promotes awareness of the crucial role played by local school boards in providing their district’s citizens a voice in educational decision making.

As gifts, the members of the Board received light-up Elwood “Knight” figures created by John Glenn High School technology students as well as James H. Boyd Intermediate School MVP award T-shirts honoring the late teacher Joe Pace and certificates of recognition from Western Suffolk BOCES.

“On behalf of the administration of the Elwood School District, we thank you for your service,” Superintendent Dr. Kenneth Bossert said. “Sometimes the amount of time and effort that it takes to serve capably and admirably in these positions goes unknown and unnoticed by the community. There is no financial reward, but I’m hopeful that the rewards you feel are knowing that you’re making a positive contribution to the lives of our children and the community that you serve. I have worked for many boards, and I can say that this board endured the most tumultuous time in public education over the last few years. You did it with admirable respect for the needs of our students and the community, and I think that the community is in your debt for the steady leadership that you helped provide during a very difficult time in in our nation. Your contributions do not go unnoticed.”

“Although there is no financial renumeration and we do this for many hours away from our families, the perks of this job are the students and their accomplishments, what we get to witness and see, and the hard work that goes on behind the scenes that maybe isn’t always seen,” Board of Education President James Tomeo said.

Lastly, the Board recognized retiring James H. Boyd Intermediate School senior office assistant Maria Colarossi, honoring her 35 years of dedicated service.

“Maria is a committed team player who possesses an excellent work ethic, dedication and enthusiasm for her position,” Boyd Principal Denise Toscano said. “She has a warm, genuine heart and goes above and beyond every day. She is a true professional who exhibits integrity, honesty and ethics at all times.”

Teacher Marsha McLeod then offered a heartfelt tribute to Mrs. Colarossi, reading the Barbara MacAdam poem “A Retirement Blessing.”

“We will miss you day-to-day in this position, and on behalf of a very grateful community, we thank you for 35 wonderful years,” said Dr. Bossert, who happily announced that Mrs. Colarossi will be returning to the school district on a part-time basis as a paraprofessional.  

Date Added: 10/19/2022